May 11-15, 2009
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France.
[Practical information] [Participants] [Abstracts of the talks] [Schedule]
Ergodic theory is the study of dynamical systems from measure theoretic point of view. Initially motivated by problems in the kinetic theory of gases, ergodic theory has developed multiple relationships with numerous domains of physics and mathematics, including geometry, group theory and number theory.
The purpose of this conference is to bring together mathematicians working on different aspects of ergodic theory. The main topics are:
- entropy and classification;
- smooth models;
- rigidity phenomena in ergodic theory;
- interaction with combinatorics and number theory;
- convergence and recurrence theorems;
- nilpotent ergodic theory.
We will also use the opportunity to honor Jean-Paul Thouvenot, who has recently retired from CNRS, and his major contributions to the development of French ergodic theory.
Scientific Committee
- Yves Derriennic
- Yves Guivarc'h
- Bryna Kra
- François Ledrappier
- François Parreau
- Benjamin Weiss
Organization Committee
- Bernard Host
- Raphaël Krikorian
- Emmanuel Lesigne
- Thierry de la Rue
- Tim Austin (Los Angeles)
- Lewis Bowen (Hawaii)
- Zoltan Buczolich (Budapest) - Dan Mauldin (North Texas)
- Jean-Pierre Conze (Rennes)
- Alexandre Danilenko (Kharkov)
- Bassam Fayad (Paris Nord)
- Alexander Fish (Ohio)
- Hillel Furstenberg (Jerusalem)
- Michael Hochman (Princeton)
- Christopher Hoffman (Washington)
- Anatole Katok (Penn State)
- Mariusz Lemanczyk (Torun)
- Elon Lindenstrauss (Jerusalem)
- Kyewon Koh Park (Ajou University)
- Anthony Quas (Victoria)
- Jean-François Quint (Paris Nord)
- Daniel Rudolph (Colorado)
- Klaus Schmidt (Vienne)
- Anatoli Vershik (Saint Petersbourg)
- Benjamin Weiss (Jerusalem) - Don Ornstein (Stanford) - Meir Smorodinsky (Tel Aviv)
- Julia Wolf (Rutgers)
- Marc Yor (Paris)